Google Tools – A Blessing for Internet Marketing Professionals
By Nandini Shanbag
It is indeed the age of digital or internet marketing. Jump on to the bandwagon, if you do not want to be left far behind. So, every brand out there is vying to find better ways and means to make its presence felt. All this is also done with an eye on the marketing budget. As a blessing to Internet marketers, Google has a lot of free tools they can use and gain the maximum advantage of. How effectively you use the tools, depends entirely on you.
These tools are meant to help internet marketing professionals. Coming from the originator of Google Search and SEO, these tools are indeed the best that can be used to gain the maximum advantage. The whole game is based on keywords, SEO, rankings, snippets, traffic analysis, and the like.

7 Must-Have Internet Marketing Tools:
1. Google AdSense
This is a very useful tool that no Internet marketer can afford to ignore. Especially if you have a website of your own where you are promoting your products and services. You are attracting a reasonable number of visitors and would like to earn some income from your site.
Google AdSense is just right for that. Sign up and get Google to place Ads in designated places on your website from which you can earn. It also allows you to choose and customize the settings for these Ads. The Ads can be relevant to your products and services which could bring in more income for you as well.
2. Google Analytics
This is a very powerful tool that all internet marketing pros should use to keep up with the marketing trends and stay ahead of the competition. A huge amount of data is available about website visitors. It is indeed wise to use Google Analytics for an intelligent assessment of these visitors, their behaviors, etc., to gain insights. These insights, can in turn help you make changes that target specific audiences to increase your conversion rates.
A few of the inputs that you can gain by setting up Google Analytics are demographics, social media-based inputs, technology inputs of the visitors, traffic sources, understanding which content is being looked at, where, how, and why conversions happen, etc. Many options can be set up to provide you with this detailed information. Understanding and studying this information can help you tweak your website for more traffic and better conversions.
3. GMail
A whole host of supporting options comes with Gmail, the powerful email system. Many corporates use Gmail for hosting their emails, as it also provides options to use Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Calendar, Google Photos, etc. All these offer a lot of flexibility and ease of use while working with large teams.
4. Google Insights
Google Insights is a powerful tool that provides you with insights on keyword trends. Most noteworthy, you could search for specific keywords and study their trends. Are they gaining popularity over a time? You can gather information on keyword searches- about the time, month, region, etc. Understanding how they have behaved and where and when they gained popularity, can help you understand the trends. This will in turn help you tweak your websites and plan your campaigns for maximum conversion.
5. Google Places
What better way to increase your visibility than being shown up on Google Places! This is a wonderful tool to show up in local searches. All one needs to do is to list the complete profile of the business on Google Places. Make it interesting with good content and videos, and you are on!
6. Google Trends
Another useful tool that provides a whole host of information on Google Insights, popular searches, and traffic inputs for a particular domain. It also allows you to track multiple domains. You can fine-tune the website and the content therein, with these valuable trends, to attract audiences. More importantly, the right audiences at the right time.
7. Google AdWords Keywords Tool
A very powerful tool that is a blessing for internet marketing professionals, this one provides you with ideas for keywords for search engines and marketing campaigns. You get an idea about the SEO for keywords, their popularity, and even an approximate cost per click amount, for a particular keyword. This can help you decide whether to go in for a paid Google AdWords-based campaign and whether it fits your budget, etc.
One could find more tools to help digital or internet marketers, but those described above are ‘must have’ ones. Furthermore, use them in the right perspective and watch your internet marketing campaigns take wings!