How to Increase Website Traffic and Improve Your Business

Increase Website Traffic for Better Business

If you own a website or a blog, then you need to know how to increase website traffic and improve your business. The social media boom is also a boon to people who have their own websites or blogs. Making your own website is easy, but getting traffic to the website is a tad difficult task. It is not rocket science, but a few simple simple tricks can surely help you along the way.

How to increase website traffic

Digital Marketing

With digital marketing, you can not only reach people but also increase website traffic base. By posting content from your website on social sites, you connect to so many people. The digital marketing platform is free so you do not have to pay for the same. Be creative and unique with your marketing content and you will be able to get more visitors to your website.

Social Media Tools

Use social media tools to promote your website effectively. There are so many social sites out there that will help you to get connected. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ are some of the social sites that you can start with. Share your content on these sites and grow your follower base, which will help increase your website traffic as well

Google Ranking Factors

Google ranking factors will help to increase the organic reach of your website. These factors include the page loading speed of the site and local results. The snippets and the content on your website also have an important role to play. Recently, Google also started considering backlinks to determine the index of the website – it is so simple that way.

Guest Posts

Do you know that guest posts can help to increase website traffic? With guest posts, you leave your website link on another site, which helps in traffic. You can also invite other people to do guest blogging on your website which would also help your website a lot.

Republish Content

If you want to increase your SEO ranking, then you can also consider republishing your content on bigger websites. Many sites such as Huffington Post and Verge republish your content if it is good. That will surely increase your website traffic and SEO reaches to a good extent. Only original content is considered in this case.

Add Links to Social Pages

Whether you need to market or simply need to spread the word, you must add a link to your website in every post you make. Even if you are tweeting about something, you can simply add your website link to that particular tweet. This is the best way to increase your traffic base and SEO ranking.

Headlines and Content

If your content and headline are not attractive enough, then you may face problems. The basis of a good website is its content and catchy headlines. If a user visits your website, it is because of your good content and headline. You cannot simply re-post things or rewrite them accordingly. You have to provide original content because that will create goodwill for your website

Target the Keywords

SEO works on the keywords you use for your website. If your keywords are good, then they will get you an optimum reach that will help your website a lot. When you post content on the website, use keywords that match and get you better reach. Do not post keywords on a random basis because that will not help you.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is still a good option if you want to increase traffic to your website. Simply send emails to your potential viewers and add a link to your website. This may be time-consuming, but it does help with traffic. Email marketing should be done according to your needs. Bulk emails will send a wrong message, which you surely want to avoid.

Add a Video

Videos are always attractive and they do help to increase the reach. You can add a video to your blog if you want to make your content visible. It’s a good idea to drive traffic to your website. The keywords you use for your videos should also be good. You need to add a good description to your video so that people care to watch it.


These above points are sure-shot ways to increase website traffic and in turn, enhance your business. More visitors to your site means more conversions, which results in better business. Follow these tips, make regular updates, and watch your bank balance grow!

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About Mini Swamy

Technology fascinates Mini, art beckons and engrosses her, but what sustains her is reading and writing. What started off as a hobby became a passion and she chose to call herself a writer. That she has contributed hundreds of articles to Write Options is an aside which she considers worth mentioning.

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